Personal Best Chiropractic


Dr. Holmes utilizes chiropractic adjustments, a light force applied to spine or extremity to increase movement, and decrease pain. Dr. Holmes also utilizes exercise, stretching, muscle release techniques, vibration massage to help you achieve the best outcome possible in the shortest amount of time

Hello, I am Dr. Holmes! I am a Doctor of Chiropractic who works with individuals and athletes experiencing pain, or decreased performance. I use adjustments of spine, muscle release techniques, and therapeutic exercise in combination to provide the best results. Research shows, combining these treatments tailored specifically to you provide the best possible outcomes.

When it comes to your care, my goal is to help you with your goals.

…for you this may mean relief from your spine pain, so that you can live your life and do the activities that give you joy. Without experiencing pain, discomfort, or limitations.

…for you this may mean helping you to move optimally so that you can avoid injury, perform better, and perform at a high level with more consistency.

…you may want to live a more active life so that you can lose weight, be the healthiest, happiest, most successful version of yourself and not be held back by any physical restraints.

Whatever your goal is, I am here to listen and help you accomplish it.

Schedule a visit today and let me know how I can help you with your pain or performance.

Hello, I am Dr. Holmes! I am a Doctor of Chiropractic who works with individuals and athletes exp... Read More

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Located at: 107 North Main Street, Monmouth
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